추천 프로그램


골드스미스 대학교 프리마스터 패스웨이 프로그램

페이지 정보

작성자 영국아트유학
댓글 0건 조회 337,870회 작성일 21-08-05 15:14


Goldsmiths, University of London     |     Pre-Masters Pathways (Graduate Diploma)

- Graduate Diploma in Design

- Graduate Diploma in Media, Culture& Social Sciences

- Graduate Diploma in Creative &Cultural Industries

- Graduate Diploma in Art

- Graduate Diploma in Music

Goldsmiths, University of London에서 개설하고있는 1년 기간의 Pre-Masters Pathways(Graduate Diploma) 프로그램은 석사학위 과정을 시작하기 전에, 석사학위 과정을성공적으로 이수하는 데 필요한 학업능력을 향상시키고 석사학위 과정을 준비하는 프로그램입니다.

- 영어실력을 향상

- 영국 학술문화에 적응

- 석사 전공과목들을 사전 학습


Goldsmiths, University of London에서 개설하고있는 석사학위 과정에 지원하기 전에 다음의 경우에 해당되면 Graduate Diploma 프로그램에먼저 지원하기를 권해드립니다.

- 대학교(학사학위) 성적이 석사학위 과정에서 요구하는 성적보다 낮은 경우

- 대학교(학사학위) 전공이 석사학위 과정에서 요구하는 전공과 다른 경우

- 현재 영어실력이 석사학위 과정에서 요구하는 영어실력보다 낮은 경우


이 프로그램을 모든 과목 50% 이상의 성적으로 통과하게 되면 Goldsmiths, University of London에서 개설하고 있는 석사학위 과정으로 진학을 보장받게됩니다.


* 수업시작

매년 9



- 수업의 50%Academic Writing and Language Development, Academic Listening andSpeaking English for Academic    Purposes 과목들로 구성

- 나머지 50%는 전공별각 Department에서 진행

- 개인 지도 강사를배정받음

* IELTS 점수

Graduate Diploma in Design
IELTS (UKVI) 5.5 (at least 5.5 in all skills)
Graduate Diploma in Media, Culture & Social Sciences
IELTS (UKVI) 5.5 (at least 5.5 in all skills)
Graduate Diploma in Creative & Cultural Industries
IELTS (UKVI) 5.5 (at least 5.5 in all skills)
Graduate Diploma in Art
IELTS (UKVI) 6.0 (6.0 in writing/at least 5.5 in all skills)
Graduate Diploma in Music
IELTS (UKVI) 5.5 (at least 5.5 in all skills)

학비 (2022 / 23)

Graduate Diploma in Design
Graduate Diploma in Media, Culture & Social Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Creative & Cultural Industries
Graduate Diploma in Art
Graduate Diploma in Music


* Graduate Diploma 프로그램 이수 후 진학 가능한석사학위 과정

Graduate Diploma in Design
MA Design: Expanded Practice

Graduate Diploma in Media, Culture & Social Sciences

MA Anthropology, Ecology and Global Justice

MA Applied Anthropology and Community & Youth Work

MA Applied Anthropology and Community Development

MA Applied Theatre: Drama in Educational, Community & Social Contexts

MA Art & Politics

MA Brands, Communication & Culture

MA Sociology (Urban Studies)

MA Contemporary Art Theory

MA Sociology (Cultural Analysis)

MA Cultural Studies

MA Culture Industry

MA Education: Culture, Language and Identity

MA Film and Screen Studies

MA Gender, Media & Culture

MA Human Rights, Culture and Social Justice

MA International Relations

MA Media & Communications

MA Multilingualism, Linguistics & Education

MA Musical Theatre

MA Performance & Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

MA Performance Making

MA Political Communications

MA Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy

MA Promotional Media: Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing

MA Social Anthropology

MA Social Research

MA Sociocultural Linguistics

MA Understanding Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence

MA Visual Anthropology

MA Sociology (Visual Sociology)

Graduate Diploma in Creative & Cultural Industries

MA Arts Administration & Cultural Policy

MA Arts Administration & Cultural Policy: Music Pathway

MA Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship

MA Cultural Policy, Relations and Diplomacy

MA Events and Experience Management

MA Luxury Brand Management

MA Social Entrepreneurship

MA Tourism and Cultural Industry

Graduate Diploma in Art

MFA Fine Art

MFA Curating

MA Artists’ Film and Moving Image

MA Art & Ecology

Graduate Diploma in Music

MA Music (Contemporary Music Studies)

MA Music (Ethnomusicology)

MA Music (Musicology)

MMus Creative Practice

MMus Composition

MMus Sonic Arts

MMus Performance

MMus Popular Music

Total 16건 2 페이지
추천 프로그램 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 등록일 조회
1 영국아트유학 2021-05-10 335683


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